Welcome here in my little Blogging experience. Since the last try’s to blog more in the future failed i stumbled upon github-pages. Here you got
For a long time i wanted to get some cheat-sheets and tutorials up that i would not always have to look up in the web for little things like bash programming etc. Through the design of static pages and the ability to take your blog everywhere you go i couldn’t resist to take a tour in the all new jekyll. And here we are.
Plugins i use:
Why Jekyll when blogger.com is also not charging anything?
Jekyll could be less vurnable to attacks because of it’s relatively static generated sites. This could be a huge plus in the next time.
The second best plus for Jekyll is that you can take your blog and information with you and you are able to write and show all posts offline until a little internet is available for you.
Hier kann ich den Tip geben mit der Ubuntu Variante:
- Exportieren des Contents von Blogger
- blogger -> Blog auswählen.
- Einstellungen -> Sonstiges
- Blog-Extras -> Blog exportieren
- blog-(datum).xml speichern
- Ab auf die Console.
- Installation von nodejs {% highlight ruby %} sudo npm install -g blogger2jekyll
Konvertieren von altdaten in jekyll format
blogger2jekyll blog-(datum).xml meineAltenBlogPosts {% endhighlight %}
Nun hat man in seinem Verzeichnis meineAltenBlogPosts alle Posts inklusive der Kommentare.
Tags: linux jekyll blog github